
Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)

Great for issues such as anxiety, money mindset, inner critic, self sabotage.

  • Includes 1 x pre session preparation call 1hr
  • 1 x 2hr RTT session
  • 2 x 30 minute post session integration coaching calls
  • 1 x personalised transformative recording to rewire your subconscious mind while you relax.

Investment $480

Clinical Hypnotherapy Session

1.5 hr hypnotherapy/coaching session

  • Includes 1 x individual hypnotherapy session
  • 1 relaxation recording to rewire your mind and reset your nervous system
  • Additional Resources
  • Great for ongoing support

Investment $120

Resource Therapy Session

1.5hrs counselling/resource therapy

  • map your parts ie inner child, organiser, manager, inner critic
  • create inner coherence and better meet your own needs
  • understand triggers and core wounds
  • heal the inner child

Investment $120

Inner Alchemy Sound Healing & Reiki

1.5 hrs Holistic Counselling + Reiki energy healing and guided inner journey with Crystal Chakra Bowls 432htz


  • Located at La Tierra Curativa retreat space
  • Helps deeply relax and recieve healing on the energetic soul level
  • Experience the healing resonance of Crystal Chakra Sing Bowls tuned to Earth frequency 432htz – each bowl is tuned specifically to each of the chakras, gently opening the energy centres as the body relaxes and attunes to their resonant frequencies.

Couples Holistic Counselling

1.5 hrs Holistic Counselling $220/couple

  • Work through issues within a compassionate and non-judgemental space
  • Find your core values as individuals and as a couple
  • tend your core relational wounds and attachment styles and learn how to hold them in a container of mutual safety and attunement
  • explore your boundaries, standards of behavior and ideals together
  • learn conscious communication and attunement skills
  • create a loving relationship agreement that gives a foundation of trust and stability to build on

Kids Holistic Counselling and Hypnotherapy

Youth focused counselling and clinical hypnotherapy 1 hr or 1.5hrs


  • In person or via zoom
  • Specialising in Anxiety, OCD, Bullying, LGBTQ2 and Phobias and sleep issues.
  • Skills based CBT and additional educational resources
  • Parent resources
  • Recorded hypnosis and mindfulness meditations
  • Hypnosis is also great for increasing focus and reducing anxiety during exam time

Lomi Lomi Massage

Relaxing Heartworks Lomi Lomi Massage 1.5hrs

Investment $120

  • Hawaiian style massage that uses rhythmic flowing touch to create deep meditative state of relaxation
  • stimulates lymphatic system to aid in detoxing the body
  • helps to gently release emotional blockages held in the body so life force energy can flow freely
  • Helps reduce lactic acid buildup and breaks down calcium deposits assisting muscle recovery
  • instills a deep sense of calm wellbeing n the body, mind and spirit

Lomi Lomi Massage with Reiki and Sound Healing

Relaxing Heartworks Lomi Lomi Massage with Reiki Energy Healing followed by a crystal bowl sound bath 1 hr 45mins – 2hrs

Investment $150

  • Hawaiian style massage that uses rhythmic flowing touch to create deep meditative state of relaxation whilst also receiving Reiki energy healing to balance the energy centres followed by a Crystal Bowl Sound bath to deeply relax.
  • stimulates lymphatic system to aid in detoxing the body
  • helps to gently release emotional blockages held in the body so life force energy can flow freely
  • Helps reduce lactic acid buildup and breaks down calcium deposits assisting muscle recovery
  • instills a deep sense of calm wellbeing n the body, mind and spirit

Cacao Ceremony and guided journey

1 on 1 Ceremony with Sacred Earth Cacao 1.5hrs including integration.

Investment $150

  • Located at La Tierra Curativa or via zoom (cacao can be purchased and sent via express post)
  • Connect with the Spirit of Mama Cacao in sacred ceremony
  • Guided Shamanic Journey to connect with ancestors, spirit guides
  • Open the heart to divine unconditional love
  • Soul retrieval

Private Group Cacao Ceremony at La Tierra Curativa Retreat space – 1.5hrs

Investment $40 p/p (min 5 people) for the ceremony itself optional extras for catered lunch or room hire afterwards.

  • Located at La Tierra Curativa or Mel can come to your sacred space (additional set up or travel may incur extra fee)
  • Connect with the Spirit of Mama Cacao in sacred ceremony
  • Guided Shamanic Journey with healing crystal bowls, Koshi chimes, shamanic drum and rattle channelled for your specific intention or occasion
  • Open the heart to divine unconditional love
  • Yoga, dance and movement

Quit Smoking Package

Smoking Cessation PackageRTT and Hypnotherapy plus Resources$555

  • 1 x Pre Session Preparation and Resourcing 2hrs
  • 1 x 2hr RTT session
  • 2 x post session integration/coaching calls 30mins ea
  • 1 x personalised hypnosis recording to quit for good
  • 1 x guided meditation for calming the nervous system plus other resources to stop you reaching for the cigarettes

Investment $555