Resource Therapy – Parts work and Inner Child Healing

Resource Therapy is a relatively recent therapeutic approach that focuses on identifying and working with different “parts” or “resources” within an individual’s psyche.

“Resource Therapy is a trauma informed empowering psychotherapy based on the understanding that the personality is composed of parts. The part that presents an issue in therapy is seldom the part that needs change. The presenting part is usually reporting, or complaining, about another part of themselves. I.e., the part that gets anxious, or the part that cannot stop eating sugary food. The Resource Therapist is able to skilfully bring the part of the personality that needs change into the therapeutic process; to speak with it compassionately and respectfully so that it can be worked with directly. Resource Therapy facilitates a quicker, deeper, and longer lasting change. ” – Professor Gordon Emmerson (Founder of Resource Therapy)

It is rooted in the field of psychology and draws from various therapeutic modalities, including psychodynamic therapy, hypnosis, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and ego state or parts work and internal family systems therapy (IFS).

Here are some key principles and concepts associated with Resource Therapy:

  • Parts of the Self: Resource Therapy views the human psyche as consisting of various parts or subpersonalities, each with its own set of beliefs, emotions, and behaviors. These parts are thought to develop in response to life experiences and can sometimes be in conflict with each other.
  • Identifying and Naming Parts: In Resource Therapy, therapists help clients identify and name these different parts. Each part may have a specific role or function within the individual’s life.
  • Assessing and Accessing Resources: The therapy aims to help clients assess the strengths and resources within each part. This involves recognizing the positive attributes and skills that each part brings to the person’s life.
  • Integration and Harmony: The ultimate goal of Resource Therapy is to facilitate the integration and harmonization of these parts. This means helping clients create a more balanced and cohesive sense of self, where parts work together rather than in opposition.
  • Therapeutic Techniques: Resource Therapy employs a range of therapeutic techniques and interventions to achieve integration. These may include dialogue with parts, visualization exercises, role-playing, and cognitive restructuring and memory reconsolidation.
  • Trauma-Informed: Resource Therapy often incorporates a trauma-informed approach, recognizing that past traumas can lead to the development of protective parts that may need attention and healing.
  • Individualized Approach: Resource Therapy is highly individualized and tailored to the specific needs and goals of the client. It does not adhere to a one-size-fits-all approach.

Clients may choose to explore Resource Therapy for several reasons, as this approach can offer unique benefits for certain individuals and situations, some of the positive outcomes are listed below:

  • Internal Conflict: Clients who experience internal conflict or feel like they have conflicting thoughts, emotions, or behaviors may find Resource Therapy helpful. This approach can assist in identifying and resolving these conflicts by working with the various parts of the self.
  • Emotional Regulation: Resource Therapy can help clients improve their emotional regulation skills. By understanding and working with different parts, clients can learn to manage their emotions more effectively and develop a greater sense of emotional balance.
  • Trauma Healing: For individuals who have experienced trauma, Resource Therapy can be beneficial. It allows clients to address and heal the protective parts that may have developed as a response to trauma, facilitating the integration of these parts into a more cohesive self-concept.
  • Self-Exploration: Some clients may be interested in self-discovery and gaining a deeper understanding of their inner world. Resource Therapy can provide a framework for exploring the different facets of their personality and uncovering hidden strengths and resources.
  • Improving Relationships: Understanding and integrating various parts of the self can lead to improved interpersonal relationships. Clients can learn how to relate to others more authentically and effectively, as well as manage relationship dynamics more skillfully.
  • Personal Growth: Clients seeking personal growth and self-improvement may find Resource Therapy a valuable tool. It can help them tap into their inner resources and develop a stronger sense of self-confidence and self-empowerment.
  • Resolving Unwanted Patterns: If a client is stuck in repetitive or unwanted patterns of behavior, thoughts, or emotions, Resource Therapy can help them identify the underlying parts responsible for these patterns and work towards positive change.
  • Enhancing Decision-Making: By exploring different parts of themselves and their motivations, clients can make more informed and balanced decisions in various areas of their lives.
  • Holistic Approach: Resource Therapy takes a holistic approach to mental and emotional well-being, considering the complexity of the human psyche. Clients who resonate with this approach may find it appealing.
  • Individualized Treatment: Resource Therapy is highly individualized, allowing clients and therapists to tailor the therapy to the specific needs and goals of the client. This flexibility can be attractive to those who want a personalized approach.

During a resource therapy session we aim to work directly with the part of the psyche that has the issue, and create a dialogue and understanding of what this part of us is trying to do for us, and what it may need in order to feel better. We aim to resource this part and may use visualisation, roleplay, imagination and somatic psychotherapy in order to achieve this.

It is a very experiential process, and works directly with the subconscious mind which often shifts things much faster than simply talking about the problem. I have found it an amazing modality to work with to facilitate trauma recovery and often use it in conjunction with clinical hypnotherapy.